Friday, September 16, 2011

The Milepost

Marcia ordered "The Milepost - Alaska Travel Planner" from and it arrived today.

Within 2 minutes of opening this guide, I was able to answer questions about the Dalton Highway - Haul Road that I was having trouble finding on the internet. After picking this guide up, I couldn't put it down for at least an hour.

I was able to determine that YES it is possible to walk on the beach and dip your toes into the Arctic Ocean at Prudhoe Bay if you use the Arctic Caribou Inn tour from Deadhorse for $40 per person. Excellent.  They do have a polar bear club for those who go in the water, the only drawback is that you cannot go in the water deeper than your knees (due to the lawyers and insurance companies).

What I also found extremely cool was a detailed breakdown of every notable item along the Dalton Highway, with mileage, including turnouts, campgrounds, bridges, pipelines, and parking areas. Very nice.

Another nice discovery in the Alaska Travel planner is that it covers Alaska, Yukon Territory, British Columbia, Alberta and the Northwest Territories.  And to my surprise near the end of the book there is even a section that covers the 456 mile Dempster Highway to Inuvik, our other possible destination.

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